Legal information
1 - Disclaimer
President of the company: Wong Fanny
SIRET of the company: 879 325 058 00011
Conception and realization of the website: Wong Fanny
2 - Personal data
Fanny Wong Beauty is committed to preserving the privacy of her clients and visitors to the website Under no circumstances will the data collected will not be disclosed to third parties. The personal information requested from the client is only intended for Fanny Wong Beauty, for administrative and commercial management purposes. The client has a right of access, rectification and deletion of personal data concerning him on simple request by email to the address
Article 11 - Intellectual property
Fanny Wong Beauty reserves the right to use, unless otherwise specified by the client, the photographs of the client's beauty makeover for the purpose of promoting her activity on her website and her social networks Instagram and Facebook. All texts, images and comments reproduced on the website are reserved under copyright and intellectual property. Any total or partial reproduction of the website is strictly prohibited.
For any further information, please feel free to contact me here or by email: